You can’t stop a hurricane. And even though you can evacuate to get away from the dangers posed by a hurricane, your house cannot. The steps you take now will determine how well your house survives the next storm. And in Florida, we know it’s just a matter of time before it hits.
Reducing hurricane damage to your home involves some measures that may seem obvious and others most people never think of. Even small changes can make a big difference when the wind and rains strike.
Stop Putting Off Repairs
If your house is vulnerable in any way, a hurricane will exploit the opportunity to cause property damage. It is important to fix everything that could allow water to enter the house. Some problems may not be obvious, so you will need to do an inspection for potential damage. Factors to check include:
- Roof shingles or tiles – replace those that are worn or missing
- Windows – reseal around the edges and replace any that are cracked or broken
- Locks on doors and windows – make sure they hold securely
- Garage doors – consider reinforcing your door with a kit or replacing it if the integrity is not sound
- Roof leaks – fix or replace the roof if you can’t find the source of the leak.
Some repairs can be major, such as a roof replacement. It is easy to put off that heavy expense. But if water gets inside, you could end up with damaged drywall, mold, and ruined furniture and flooring. A reputable roofing company should give you an honest opinion about whether your roof needs replacing. It is better to negotiate with them now than to dispute the coverage for a roof damage claim with your insurer later.
Clean Up the Yard
You can beautify your yard and protect your home at the same time. Take out dying trees, trim dead branches, and thin out trees and bushes with too much growth. This decreases the number of potential missiles you could have flying around your house at 100+ miles per hour during a hurricane.
Moreover, it is best to start your clean-up early so that debris will be picked up by the time a storm hits. If you have a pile of branches sitting by the curb, that can be a recipe for disaster.
Stow Loose Objects and Consider Buying Bags
A hurricane could turn your outdoor décor into weapons in an airborne attack against your home. Secure anything that could be picked up by the wind, such as signs, flower pots, and furniture.
It is a good idea to keep a supply of bags on hand to protect your home before and after a storm. Sandbags or water-activated flood bags can reduce slow or prevent the entry of floodwater under doors. Plastic bags can be used to cover broken windows or roof or siding damage after a storm.
Be Ready to Deal with Insurance Claims
Despite your best efforts, certain storms are likely to cause damage to your home. You want to ensure that you have the proper insurance to cover potential damage, so talk to your insurance agent to make sure you have enough coverage and are protected from different types of disasters, such as flood damage, wind damage, and other types of storm losses.
If your insurer delays paying claims or denies your claim entirely, an experienced attorney at the Maus Law Firm could help you get fair treatment. Contact us today for a free consultation and case evaluation.