You were riding your bike, and you got injured through no fault of your own. Everything was fine, and then suddenly an issue with the road or trail caused you to go down. In this situation, do you have a claim for financial compensation? If so, how do you recover the financial compensation you deserve?
Understanding Your Legal Rights After an Accident Involving an Unsafe Trail, Bike Lane or Road
When you get injured in a bicycle accident involving an unsafe trail, bike lane or road, you may have a claim against the government agency or private owner that is responsible for ensuring that the trail or road is safe for use. Just as business owners have a duty to prevent slip and fall accidents, government agencies and property owners have a duty to ensure that trails and roads are safe for cyclists, drivers, and pedestrians. This duty applies to:
- State and local road authorities
- Parks agencies
- Neighborhood developers and HOAs
- Owners of private facilities that have bike trails
For example, let’s say you rode on one of the Fort Lauderdale area’s greenways. On a paved section of the greenway, you hit a crack that popped your tire and bent your wheel. You fell off your bike and suffered serious injuries when you hit the ground. In this scenario, you would likely have a strong claim against the City of Fort Lauderdale or potentially another governmental entity, provided the crack had been there long enough to be repaired.
Now let’s consider another scenario: You were commuting to work on your bike in downtown Fort Lauderdale, taking advantage of the city’s bike lanes. As you were riding, you got sideswiped by a vehicle. In this scenario, you could have a claim against the driver. Still, you could also have a claim against the city if the lane was too narrow, inadequately marked, or lacked adequate separation from vehicle traffic.
Protecting Your Claim for Just Compensation After a Bicycle Accident in Fort Lauderdale
In short, there are many circumstances in which cyclists can pursue compensation claims based on unsafe trails, bike lanes, and roads.
If you have a claim, there are some steps you will want to take promptly. For example, you should seek treatment for your injuries immediately, and you should take detailed notes to record everything you can remember about the crash. You will also want to speak with a lawyer. Even if you are clearly entitled to financial compensation, filing a successful claim won’t be easy, and you will need to work with an experienced lawyer to make sure you seek the full compensation you deserve.
Discuss Your Bicycle Accident Claim with a Lawyer at Maus Law Firm
If you need to seek financial compensation for a bicycle accident caused by an unsafe trail, bike lane, or road, we encourage you to contact us for more information. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a lawyer at Maus Law Firm, please call 855-476-5926 or tell us about your case online today.